Planning and Quality Assurance Unit (PQAU) is under the Vice Chancellor’s Office and its mandate is to ensure that the mission and vision of UMaT in the context of its role in national development and international visibility are achieved. The Office is involved in monitoring, auditing, evaluation of teaching staff and these activities are to ensure excellent teaching and learning at UMaT.
Other functions of the PQAU include compilation of the publications of lecturers annually as a means of simulating publications, checking the conduct of examinations to ensure that they are conducted according to laid down regulations, setting up peer preview mechanism of lecturers to review examination questions and eliminate ambiguities, developing systems for students to assess lecturer’s performance in teaching and lecture delivery, liaising with corporate bodies to establish the relevance of our programmes for national manpower development, and conducting tracer studies and assessing how students are performing and meeting the needs of their employers.
The Unit is a member of the Inter-University Committee on Quality Assurance set up by The Vice Chancellor Ghana (VCG) that meets quarterly to streamline the activities of the various Units on the six campuses.
The Quality Assurance Unit comprises of the Assoc Prof Sulemana Al-Hassan (Dean), Assoc Prof J R Dankwah (Vice Dean) and Mr Rowland P. Baffoe (Junior Assistant Registrar).